Now, before you say that raising my child is the most important work of all and sure to be my greatest accomplishment, let me say that I agree. But, the important work of parenting just doesn't get the dishes any cleaner.
We have miraculously managed to establish a bedtime. After a week or so of screaming at bedtime we finally figured out that 10 p.m. was far too late for bed and the poor child was exhausted. Mr. H and I determined that 8 p.m. was the ideal bedtime (through the very scientific method of deciding that 8 p.m. worked for us). Then I made up an elaborate bedtime routine (all the books say that babies need routines). Here's the schedule
7:30 p.m.--bath
7:40 p.m.--dry off and put pajamas on
7:45 p.m.--story in rocking chair (unless prevented by grumpiness)
7:50 p.m.--boob time
7:58 p.m.--swaddling (yes, still swaddled at 5 months, weird but it works)
7:59 p.m.--animal alphabet
8:00 p.m.--in bed and off to dreamland
8-10 p.m.--primetime
During the precious 2 hours between baby's bedtime and my eventual collapse from exhaustion, all the household stuff has to happen. Dinner, dishes and laundry of course. Plus internet surfing, blogging and mail reading. And, ideally, a few projects around the house.
Tonight, between 8 p.m. and now (10 p.m.), I got my shopping done at Target, did the dishes and finished the nightstand. I took the advice of by blogging pals and tried the destressed finish. It sort of didn't work and now the table looks kind of crappy but hey, it's done. And really it doesn't matter 'cause the top will be covered with books and crap in no time. I do appreciate the feedback from my loyal readers.
And just because I said I wouldn't do any more posts without photos:

Baby is now eating solids. This was spaghetti squash. Mmmm