Oh weekend how do I love thee? Let me count the ways
1. Friday night: Mr. H had a poker party in the garage and baby was asleep so I had the whole house to myself (a rare and treasured event). I celebrated with 2 cups of coffee and a serious case of the caffeine jitters but wow was I productive. I finished all the pillows for the day bed in the craft room.

2. Saturday morning we got up and went camping near Point Reyes with a group of friends and family. It was a lovely day and we had 10 adults and 3 kids at dinner. I got to go to bed at 8 p.m. so I got tons of sleep. We ate well at every meal. All in all it was a great first camping outing for baby. (Just a touch too cold). Here's baby trying out the new tent. (you can just barely see her little head)
And here is a partial group shot. It was us, my parents, our friends and their 3 year old and 3 month old and their two sets of parents. Their little baby didn't sleep over.
Here is a chipmunk that was eating bacon grease off the spatula. Nine of us ate FOUR pounds of bacon this morning (along with fruit, eggs and pancakes)
Here is baby with Grandpa trying on his hat. Awwww
Here is the aftermath of the trip. Baby slept in the car BOTH ways. Not a single tear was shed over 5 hours of driving!
3. At home, the patio project remained in limbo. Here it was at 5 p.m. tonight. As you can see we got the forms in and a whole bunch of sand. Under the sand is "road bed" gravel. The shrubs on the left are the ones we transplanted.
And here's the patio at 10 p.m.! We ended up buying 900 pounds of sand (sadly not a typo!) and then had to buy about 170 bricks. The 100 or so bricks I found around the yard just weren't enough.
And the good weekend continued!!
4. Appropriately numbered, I found out I have a fourth reader. U.C.D. has gone international. A week or so ago I got a very exciting email from my college freshman roomate. We had lost touch since she is quite a globetrotter. I had heard she might be moving to Turkey a few years ago and lo and behold she found me from Istanbul and sent an email. Turns out she saw my photo in the alumni magazine (pregnant) and emailed to tell me she had a daughter in January. I was SO excited to hear from her that I gave her the link to this blog and now I find she's a regular reader. How cool is that?
5. Our new DVR on our cable remembered to tape West Wing for me even though I totally forgot it was on.
6. Baby has a checkup at the doctor at 9 a.m. so we get to sleep in tomorrow and continue this really good weekend just a bit longer.
Glad to see baby is now indoctrinated into the wonderful world of camping and will soon have her REI member card. :) And the patio looks super, can't wait to see it in person.
sactownkid, at Monday, March 20, 2006
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