You can lead a baby to her crib
and, you guessed it, you can't force her to sleep.
Welcome to our world. Our perfect little sleeper (who made me feel superior to other parents when, at about 3 months she was only waking up once per night) has started boycotting sleep. Just when we think she could sleep all night without food, she's decided she'll get up every 2 hours or so. Fun times.
She's also sworn off napping in increments longer than 30 minutes.
You'd think this would have a detrimental effect on project progress but it's actually been a very productive weekend.
2005 taxes--done (and wow, what a refund!! Kids are quite the deduction)
brick collection--done (still need to wash the bricks)
patio development--serious progress made
And, in other VERY exciting news, we got DISH network today. Never in my life have I had cable (that's what hotels are for) yet I still know more about cable then most of my cable subscribing friends. For example, I can tell you that Trading Spaces is on on Saturdays and TLC only runs one program a day. Unfortunately, for our first day of cable, it's running shows about REALLY fat people such as, "The Half Ton Man." Gross!
So that sums up the weekend. As dusk was falling and the baby was fussing in her chair on the porch and we were hauling and raking the last bits of gravel from the truck to the patio Mr. H commented sarcastically on what a "relaxing" weekend we'd had. Funny thing is, I thought it was pretty relaxing. Getting things done feels like a weight off my shoulders so I can really relax. Now all I need is a glass of wine (and a sleeping baby!)
Welcome to our world. Our perfect little sleeper (who made me feel superior to other parents when, at about 3 months she was only waking up once per night) has started boycotting sleep. Just when we think she could sleep all night without food, she's decided she'll get up every 2 hours or so. Fun times.
She's also sworn off napping in increments longer than 30 minutes.
You'd think this would have a detrimental effect on project progress but it's actually been a very productive weekend.
2005 taxes--done (and wow, what a refund!! Kids are quite the deduction)
brick collection--done (still need to wash the bricks)
patio development--serious progress made
And, in other VERY exciting news, we got DISH network today. Never in my life have I had cable (that's what hotels are for) yet I still know more about cable then most of my cable subscribing friends. For example, I can tell you that Trading Spaces is on on Saturdays and TLC only runs one program a day. Unfortunately, for our first day of cable, it's running shows about REALLY fat people such as, "The Half Ton Man." Gross!
So that sums up the weekend. As dusk was falling and the baby was fussing in her chair on the porch and we were hauling and raking the last bits of gravel from the truck to the patio Mr. H commented sarcastically on what a "relaxing" weekend we'd had. Funny thing is, I thought it was pretty relaxing. Getting things done feels like a weight off my shoulders so I can really relax. Now all I need is a glass of wine (and a sleeping baby!)
Seems to be going around. The boss's kid had a horrible night last night, and hence, so did he and his wife. And the kid's 13 months. This might be an uphill battle. But someone once told me that sleep is overrated. I am not a patron to that church.
What's with all the brick collecting and washing? Are you building an outdoor bbq?
sactownkid, at Monday, March 13, 2006
the brick collection is for the patio project we're working on. photos coming soon
Melissa Haworth, at Monday, March 13, 2006
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