Mostly Friendly Monster

I thought the mostly friendly monster would make the baby have no fear of the dark 'cause he's a nightlight and will scare all of the other monsters away!

P.S. After seeing this I thought everyone would make placemats with one surly side and one girly side. So far no placemats....
No point in buying a bigger size because soon it will be warm but I need to get a few more weeks out of the ones she's got. Here are the solutions I devised:
For more spring-like weather, the hemmed cut offs:
And in case it rains forever, the extended legs:
My original design didn't work out but I still managed to whip up both outfits during a one hour afternoon nap. Thanks for the inspiration, Whip Up!
I have managed to avoid homework by working on baby's scrapbook. Sactownkid's pages put mine to shame but I'm more about quantity than quality at this point. Here are some highlights (sorry about the glare):
Here are the answers (front to back; left to right): sweet potato; pear; spaghetti squash; green beans; carrots; asparagus; apple; potato; cantaloupe. So far, baby likes sweet potato, pear and spaghetti squash for sure. She's reserving judgement on green beans, carrots and potato and hasn't tried the others. I'll keep you posted. Feel free to submit additional food ideas. I'm planning strawberries and bananas soon....
Used a pot I've had sitting around for ages and filled it with moss from the front flower bed. Cute, eh? I was inspired by Thriftcraft to do an Easter scene.