Homework procrastination reaches new levels
I have grand plans for updating the links on this blog to include all the fun crafty sites I've been discovering like this and this. But I've barely had time to post, let alone accomplish anything worth posting about. My postings may be infrequent for the next 8 weeks until I graduate (!) but don't abandon me, loyal readers, I'll try to stay in touch!
Mr. H has been consumed with a paid project he's working on in the garage but he did find time to hang the medicine cabinet so the bathroom is more or less done (other than the lingering water pressure issue)
You can't really tell but the knob is a cool starfish.

Thanks, Kristy for the cool babyfood paper. I've been waiting for her to eat solids just so I could use it. That's definitely my favorite page!
Mr. H has been consumed with a paid project he's working on in the garage but he did find time to hang the medicine cabinet so the bathroom is more or less done (other than the lingering water pressure issue)

I have managed to avoid homework by working on baby's scrapbook. Sactownkid's pages put mine to shame but I'm more about quantity than quality at this point. Here are some highlights (sorry about the glare):

I think the pages are great and ALL cute. Hope school is going well. Going to IKEA tonight....I hope!
sactownkid, at Thursday, April 13, 2006
you are so inspiring. i wish i had school to procrasinate from, too! maybe that would inspire me even more!!!! Your pages are adorable! I love the page before the babyfood one, also.
farfromca, at Friday, April 14, 2006
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