Vegan Lunch Box
So Vegan Lunch Box won a well deserved Bloggie award and I've been hooked ever since. That lady is amazing! Tonight as I was avoiding papers and grinding some bundt cakes I realized that I make a vegan lunch box every day too (if human milk is vegan--still a mental debate). Here it is:
French Green Beans and Carrots with Rice Cereal (and a purple spoon) and milk:
French Green Beans and Carrots with Rice Cereal (and a purple spoon) and milk:

A little low on the milk but that's what formula is for!
And finally, a cute photo from our Mother's Day trip to the Whole Earth Festival
Hello from Switzerland!
I saw your comment on my post and replied as soon as I read it (I have been away from a computer for about 2 weeks, so I hope it hasn’t been too long.)
About an inexpensive hotel, I have asked a couple of my Swiss friends and they should be getting back to me by early next week. One recommendation that has already come my way is Hotel Carmen on Rue Dancet (I'm told it is clean & cheap, by Geneva standards, although I think it would be a cab ride from the airport).
You are welcome to stay with us too (any friend of KB's is a friend of mine!) We have a two bedroom place, but we are leaving at the end of June for SF.
KB has my e-mail address, feel free to e-mail me and we can chat more if you like.
By the way, I love the vegan lunch box site too! Although it makes me feel like I'm not nearly crafty & productive as I should be!! :)
Swiss Miss, at Friday, May 19, 2006
Yummy... sure beats my (and my son's) lunch today of after dinner mints, party punch (ice cream, sherbet, ginger ale, pineapple juice), crackers, cheese, and cherry tomotoes! :) Cute stroller pic, too!
farfromca, at Saturday, May 20, 2006
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