I never was a trendsetter
Four jobs I’ve had:
- Fabric store sales clerk. First long term job (I'm not counting the holiday stints at the Christmas tree farm before I was legally old enough for a worker permit or the Christmas job at a packing and shipping store--which reminds me, someday I'll share the story of my interview for that job)
- House painter for Student Works Painting. No, I wasn't one of those high acheiving student managers getting real career experience, I was the actual house painter. Actually a good skill that has come in handy many times (but somehow, as Mr. H can attest, I am still the messiest painter known to human kind. I always paint my hair and body as much as the walls)
- Cook for a college fraternity. For a whole academic year I cooked four nights a week for the 15 or so guys that lived in the frat house. Only had to order emergency pizza once
- Customer service rep for a company that tests transformer oil. I bet you've never heard of that industry.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
I'm just not that into movies so, in staying with the website theme I will list four ill conceived homeowner projects I have helped with:
- Grouting terra cotta tile that wasn't fully sealed (grout REALLY sticks to terra cotta)
- Installing a cast iron tub in a bathroom that was too small for the tub (advanced pregnancy prevented my full participation in this fiasco)
- Removing a perfectly good picket fence we later had to re-install
- Changing all the door hardware in the house before painting and before realizing we'd also have to change all the hinges which would then not fit properly
Four places I have lived
- Escondido, California, raised (not born)
- Davis, California
- Adelboden, Switzerland (for three months)
- Sacramento, California (three different locations so far)
Four TV shows I (currently) love
- Grey's Anatomy
- West Wing
- Alias
- Trading Spaces (oh to have cable and be able to watch regularly)
Show I am currently (as in right this exact moment) watching:
- This Old House Hour
Four (international) places I’ve vacationed
- Pune, India
- Wackersdorf, Germany
- Cuernavaca, Mexico
- Bangkok, Thailand
Four of my favorite dishes (Now I love food as much as the next person but again, I will modify)
Four foods that go well with home rennovation:
- Beer
- Pizza
- Del Taco (there's one in the Lowe's parking lot)
- Starbucks (there's one in every Home Depot parking lot)
Four sites I visit daily
Four places I'd rather be right now:
Actually, I'm pretty satisfied. After two days in Bakersfield I'm sitting in my own bed holding my adorable, sleeping baby. What could be better? Instead,
Four more projects I realized I have in progress or REALLY* need to start:
- Painting the nightstand Mr. H made me for my birthday
- Helping Mr. H fill in the trench in the backyard
- Complete kitchen remodel*
- 2005 Tax Return*
Four people I am tagging:
Nobody since everyone's already done this...
I am impressed with your list as well as your fun yellow tags. You will have to learn me some HTML sometime. :) I forgot that you were a fraternity cook back in the day, that is great!
sactownkid, at Saturday, February 25, 2006
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