Sick Day and thus Some Blog History
Here she is enjoying her sick day with a nap on the couch, medical record card conveniently close. For the paranoid out there, she has no idea how to roll over and I am just an arm's length away!

But I digress.
Since I'll now be spending the morning at home until the doctor's appointment, Mr. H suggested I get the oil changed in the car.
That sounds productive.
As a person who has literally never taken a sick day in my life (if you don't count naternity leave and the one day I took for gum surgery) I plan to enjoy my few hours of unexpected freedom. If baby is asleep, I plan to catch up on all the blogging that has been rattling around in my head.
So, some history.
I didn't know anything about blogs or bloggers or blogging or anything until my friend "sactownkid" started a blog. And she had a link to Dooce which I started reading daily and was promptly hooked.
I caught myself going through my day thinking how various events would sound written up on my very own blog. Like the time I mocked the frozen pizza instructions for reminding consumers, "don't eat while frozen" and proceeded to bake the pizza with the cardboard underneath (for the record that's pretty much like cooking a turkey with the bag of guts still inside).
My life seemed to be shaping up into serious blogger material (or is that materiel?).
I starting reading all these mommy blogs and thought, "hey, I'm a new mom, I could be a mommy blogger" but I realized I could never be nearly as good as what I was already reading. Check out the monthy newsletter archives on Dooce. I seriously start crying everytime I read them.
After spending some time thinking about what my blogger niche might be, I realized that Mr. H and I are unusually addicted to do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and my solitary reader might enjoy a home repair diary to remind her why she really likes living in an apartment.
So there you go. Under Construction Daily was born (and I particularly like that the acronym is UCD, a favorite university of mine). Don't think I didn't plan that!
Sick baby is awake. Off to get the oil changed.
Love it love it love it. Wonderful blogging everythang. The solitary reader is content, but doesn't think she will be alone for long!
sactownkid, at Wednesday, February 15, 2006
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